Posted by: T. Boyd | April 14, 2017

The Beauty and Revelation Hidden in the Book of Job

After 60 years of serious bible study, I have finally awakened to the beauty and revelation that is hidden in Job. I think I had to get back to the outlook of the child with the eyes that are excited about the wonderful discoveries of beauty that are around me – the advantage of retirement and old age when the Lord has taught me to number my days.

There are 2 things that have opened my eyes about this  ancient book of Job.  One is this article by Stephen Cook about the structure of the book.  He thinks, and I think he is right,  because it is almost all poetry, the book is actually the script for an ancient play.  That helps me understand how it is a series of speeches by 5 men and God.  It may or may not be based on a true historical story — I have always thought it was and haven’t changed my mind about that.

The other eye-opener is something that happened to me just now as I was reading Job, chapters 27 and 28.  Since I failed to read the translators’ added heading of chapter 28, I was puzzled by the opening verses 1-11 which talked about the hidden treasures in the earth that have to be mined and dug to obtain.  And this was such a contrast to the previous chapter 27 which was talking about the “awards” to the wicked.

And suddenly, in verse 28:12, I understood where Job was going with his speech. He asks, “But where shall wisdom be found?”  And I had a wonderful epiphany of understanding and a thrill to see the advantage of writing in poetic style (poetry has never been something I have appreciated – I had to become an old man before it started speaking to me!).  The subtle way the writer hides the motive behind the beginning verses till you get to verse 12 is something easier to do, I think, in poetry than in prose.

This discovery has awakened in me a hunger for finding more such hidden jewels in the scripture, and especially at this time, in the book of Job.  I have learned that I need to slow down when the biblical passage is in poetic form, rather than reading in my usual way of kind of racing over those parts to get back to the “serious” prose.

So much to discover;  so little time.  I’m glad that Randy Alcorn’s books  are full of the idea that our time in heaven will be used as continuing the search and discoveries of the treasures that are ours in Jesus Christ.  I think (and hope) that he is correct – that we will be having an eternal, joyful, education learning about the wonders of our creator.

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