Posted by: T. Boyd | February 15, 2018

Why the Theory of Evolution is so Shallow

For years I have been wanting to say “Why the Theory of Evolution is so Shallow” – but it such a loaded statement.  It is obvious to lots of Christians that it is dumb to believe in what the atheists and agnostics believe: that there was no creator involved – “It was just the ‘force’, Luke”.  Or it was just nature’s determination to create life from amino acids, etc.

Just now, I walked outside in the backyard, and looked down at the ground.  There I saw tiny blue spots:img_1646.jpg

I looked closer to the ground, and zoomed my cell phone camera on the tiny flowers:


And I noticed how similar the “orchid -like” gems were to the Valentine flower I bought for my wife yesterday:


And I rejoiced in knowing how much fun the Creator had in designing all of the flowers, the birds, the millions and millions of different forms of life in the world.  An impossible feat, and yet it is true.  I enjoy that thought so much – it brings a thrill and happiness to my heart every time I break out in praise to our Father and His agent of creation: His Son, Jesus Christ, at experiencing something new in the wonderful, magnificent creation, even though it is a fallen world, and death entered in as a result of man’s sin.

But there is hope for it to be made whole again – I join the creation as it groans:

For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. Romans 8:22-23 

How dull it would be to not be able to rejoice in the creator, to miss that joyful moment – to believe that it all happened accidentally would be like the world lost much of its color and appear to be displayed in only black and white and gray tones!  I pity those who deny the creator and I pray that they will open their eyes, their hearts, to know God loves them and He created each person for a special purpose.


  1. The sad part of it all is, that this belief is spreading to Millennials like wildfire.
    I pray that God enlightens us all and that he renews our hearts to follow and to heed His Mighty Word.

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